works 1990 - 1999

swipe to scroll through images

Installation view, Museum Haus Lange / Haus Esters, Krefeld
Installation detail
Installation detail
Installation detail
Installation detail
Installation detail
Installation view, Museum Haus Lange / Haus Esters, Krefeld

Holes 1997

5 C-Print Photographs
each 121 x 150 cm (47 11/16 x 59 1/16 in)
Permanent Collection Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth


In Holes, as in Falling Down, Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler wanted to show that even from just a few elements or from an extremely fragmented mode of seeing it is possible, due to the imaginative input on the part of the viewer, for a narrative dimension to emerge that goes beyond arbitrary and freely associative projections. The power of suggestion of the very selectivity of these images thus demonstrates a quality that is intrinsic to photography (and to every camera), that is to say the capacity to create meaning and to conjure up things absent and invisible from the sparsest of narrative elements. Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler make use of this potential albeit without concerning themselves with whether the photograph is lying or not.

Excerpt from ‘At the Limits of Photography’ by Philipp Kaiser, Curator Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst